Third Party Permissions

Often it is beneficial for the student to utilise services provided by third party web based providers.  Types of services provided by these service providers may include online content creation, collaborative tools and online learning environments.

The ACT Education Directorate is providing cloud-based education services through Google Apps for Education and Microsoft Office 365 to support teaching and learning.

As all of these services require some personal information of students in order to provide the service, and that information will be stored in a location outside of the Education and Training Directorate; we seek your consent to provide access to your child.

Please return the Third Party Consent Form as soon as you have had a chance to review the privacy policies and information provided. Ideally, all consent forms will be returned to the school in the first week of the year to ensure immediate access to all services for Gungahlin College students.

Please contact the college directly if you have any concerns with respect to the provision of this information to the third party service providers listed in the consent form.