ACT Qualifications

Student at Gungahlin College

Students at Gungahlin College study courses accredited by the ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies (BSSS).

Students may be issued the following qualifications and statements

The ACT College system in relation to AST, Scaling and ATAR

Understanding Certification, Scores, Scaling, AST and ATAR Calculations” (12:18 viewing time) is the first in our series and looks at the ACT College System in general including how and why some scores are scaled.

Information on the ACT Scaling Test (AST) and Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) are also outlined within this video and detailed information on these topics can be found in our supplementary videos “Preparing for AST” and “ATAR and Scaling”. This video concludes with a focus on pathways through and beyond college and our layers of support at Gungahlin College.

Preparing for AST” (4:02 viewing time) highlights the importance (requirement!) of the AST for students aiming to graduate with a Tertiary Entrance Statement (TES), but also the process for students in preparing for this instrumental task. This video goes beyond the processes for AST participation and discusses how to prepare for AST success.

ATAR and Scaling” (14:03 viewing time) is our final video in the series and is intended for students, parents and carers seeking a far more in depth analysis of how course scaling happens and how the AST is used in determining the final scaled scores. This video focuses on the mathematical and technical processes through use of specific examples and demonstrates the variety of final scaled scores possible as a result of different scaling group combinations.

Following viewing of these videos, if you have any further questions please contact the Gungahlin College Certification Officer via email at